Tamron Hall Says Her Goal to Remain Present

Smartstream21 - Tamron Hall, motherhood isn't about balance, it's about doing your best to be present in the moment. In honor of Mother's Day on Sunday, the Tamron Hall Show host spoke to PEOPLE about her Mother's Day plans, the importance of valuing mother figures and life with her 3-year-old son Moses. Since her son was born in 2019, Hall says her husband, Steve Greener, always manages to plan her "absolutely favorite thing" — Sunday brunch!

"I'm an early riser, as is my son. And my husband has put me on alert that something is going down at 9:30 in the morning, which I'm sure for most people is way too early on a Sunday, but that's prime time for me. And they are going to surprise me with a very, very, very early brunch," Hall, 51, tells PEOPLE. Now celebrating her third Mother's Day since Moses was born, Hall says that it's put the holiday into perspective — and believes it's just as important to celebrate the mother figures in our lives. "For me, I have three nieces and a nephew who refer to me as their other mom, and I've always felt very appreciated on this day by them. Also, for me, I didn't have my child until much later in life. And there were so many other mother figures in my life that it was always a very important, and is an important day for me," she says. "I'm very, very close with my own mom. We are best friends."

She continued, "The role of mother is so vast and has many, many different meanings. For me, I happen to have a son now, but I was a mother figure for those four children all of their lives. The oldest is now 21. And while my mother is, and has always been a very strong presence in my life, I've had teachers, aunts, people who went to church with us, who served as a mother figure in my life." In her newest Mother's Day Brunch episode, in fact, Hall called on mother figures to make sure they received they recognition they deserve. And as the 500th episode of the Tamron Hall Show approaches, Hall also opened up about her journey balancing motherhood with the demands that come with her job — and she assures that though she doesn't have it all figured out, it's important to give yourself grace. "I don't know what balance feels like. I know what being present feels like," she says. "So for me, some days I feel that I've succeeded and other days, of course, I feel like I've fallen short of where I want to be as a mom for Moses. But my goal every day is whatever time I have with him to be present, to be there, to put my phone away and give him that time." She also added that that's "the best" she can do, as she feels that herself, along with other moms "measure ourselves against standards that aren't real." "Far too many moms have talked to me on the show about mom guilt and mom shame, which I've also felt. I'm a work in progress. I've felt those same feelings too," she says. "But there's such great advice and such great conversation that we can have with other moms every day to uplift rather than wallow in some of those difficult days. So for me, I don't know what balance feels like. I just know what it feels like to try."

Reflecting on her time spent with Moses and the little things like singing "good morning, Moses" with him and hearing his laugh, Hall says she could've never "imagined how glorious of a feeling it would be." And of course, watching him hit new milestones is always a pleasure. "Oh boy, listen, this kid loves to sing. I think I have an entertainer on my hands," she says. "He loves singing. He loves dancing. We had to get him a karaoke machine. He has a drum. He loves it, but he's a traditional drummer. He doesn't want anything electric. He doesn't want anything with bells and whistles. He just wants the drum and the sticks. And he's quite the talent I have to say." She adds, "We spend a lot of time in our home singing and dancing to a variety of music. Everything from Elmo to Sinatra is played in our home."